Medical transcription has now become a preferred vocation for many because of its flexible nature. It allows an individual to work from home. The liberty to work at any given time with a deadline to meet is a major pull for somebody looking to strike a balance between two careers. According to recent surveys, there is a burgeoning trend in this field to work independently and not in an on-site facility.
This is not to say that there is a dearth of medical transcription job opportunities elsewhere. Clinics, hospitals, physicians' offices, government medical services, laboratories, transcription services agencies, universities; colleges etc. all employ medical transcription professionals. However, with an appropriately equipped home office, the job can be no less rewarding. A medical transcriptionist working from home needs a computer with modem, fax, a phone, printer, dictating equipment with headset, etc.
Generally, you need decent keyboarding skills, requiring that you are aware of all the functions a keyboard offers. Plus, spelling and grammar skills are imperative, as well as the capacity to retain to what you have learned. A procrastinator will not be successful in this vocation.
However, it should be remembered that most companies, before choosing someone to work from home, have an inclination towards hiring medical transcriptionists who have had prior in-house experience in a clinic or a hospital setting. It is not uncommon for companies to ask for applicants, with at least a year's experience in an on-site facility.
It is prudent for those wanting work as a medical transcriptionist from home to possess a strong knowledge in anatomy, physiology and pharmacology terminology, as well as competent English. Practicing with dictation tapes from health professionals and doctors can be of great help.