Monday, February 5, 2007

Computer Software for MTs

There are a lot of specialty software programs out there designed for medical transcriptionists. I won't be recommending any of them here, though, because I have to plead ignorance about which I prefer. It is best to wait until you are well into your MT studies before you worry about the specialty MT software anyway. What I want to discuss here are they Operating Systems and Word processing programs that many MTs use, and also a little bit of information about Windows Utilities.

Windows XP or Windows 2000 (Operating Systems)

I am ambivalent about recommending Windows XP, but it does seem to be pretty stable. I have heard stories about how it likes to "phone home" and report back to Microsoft. I don't know how harmful this actually is to you, but it's still kind of weird and creepy that Microsoft does this. Windows XP comes in two flavors: XP Home and XP Professional. A "computer guru" friend of mine emphatically said I should get XP Pro. He said it was more stable. He's quite an expert on Windows-related things—and I'm paranoid anyway—so I went ahead and got XP Pro. Other computer gurus say there's very little difference and that XP Home only has a few less advanced "features" that most people don't need anyway. It's up to you to decide which you want to get. All I know is that XP Pro has been pretty stable for me.

Windows 2000 is a slightly older version of Windows, but is reported to be very good. And it also does not "phone home" in the same way that XP does. However, Windows 2000 may have trouble recognizing all the hardware gadgets you might want to use with it. You may have to download "drivers" (little programs that help the computer recognize and use the new gadget or piece of hardware you install in it). That sounds like a pain, but some people don't mind the bother and much prefer Windows 2000 over XP.

Windows 98 and Windows Me are, in my opinion, old and crummy. Especially Windows Me. Sure, you can limp along with Windows 98 for a while, but it's showing its age more and more as the years pass. Windows Me, from all the reports I heard, was horrible right out of the gate. It won't install all programs, it's woefully unstable, and it's basically bad news. Stay away from Windows Me.

One final bit of advice about Windows: Use up-to-date virus protection and UPDATE WINDOWS REGULARLY. Check Windows Update every week. Update your virus definitions regularly. You can save yourself a world of pain if you do this. Also, a main source of pain and suffering in Windows can be laid at the feet of Internet Explorer, Windows' default Internet browser. It seems to be especially vulnerable to viruses and spyware. A word to the wise: avoid using Internet Explorer. Use FireFox or Mozilla instead.

Microsoft Word and Corel's WordPerfect

I have heard that WordPerfect is sometimes preferred by MTs, but alas, it appears that MS Word is starting to take over. I have chosen to get both these programs, just to see how they work. I haven't made any final decisions about my personal preference, but since Word seems to be "it" for the future of MT, I guess I am resigned to primarily using Word. (I got a copy of Office XP, a "suite" of office programs that includes Word.)

One interesting thing though—many MT employers and healthcare facilities prefer a positively ancient (by computer standards) word processing program: WordPerfect 5.1. They figure that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." So, you'll notice that this elderly program is being used quite a lot in the MT biz. In fact, so many businesses have refused to give up WP 5.1, that Corel, in a move of surprising enlightenment, has decided to create an optional "atmosphere" of WP 5.1 in their latest versions of WordPerfect, WordPerfect 11 and WP 12. The user can get WordPerfect 11 (or 12) to "emulate" WP 5.1. They can switch in and out of this WP 5.1 "view." This is pretty good news for MTs or businesses who love their WP 5.1, but feel the need to push on to newer software. (See some screenshots and get more info on the WP 5.1 DOS "look" in WP here.)

It also needs to be pointed out—not all MTs or MT employers are using the latest and greatest versions of MS Word either. Some are happy with Word 97, Word 2000, etc. It's kind of encouraging to see that medical transcriptionists don't necessarily feel compelled to constantly upgrade to the latest versions of these word processing programs. They know the ins and outs of the version they have and are reluctant to change. I can't say I disagree with them.

Microsoft Works

I have been warned by other MTs—don't use MS Works for your medical transcription work. Apparently it's "not ready for prime-time." Even if the version of MS Works has Word included, I've been told by other MTs (whose opinion I trust) that that it still won't work very well. Since you can get such a good deal on MS Word or WordPerfect, there really is no need to settle for Works.

Windows Utilities and AntiVirus Software

I don't really have any personal recommendations at this time, but I do want to emphasize that you will need utilities and anti-virus software for your computer. Especially anti-virus software. Norton seems to be a popular brand, but McAfee is fine too. I use Norton Utilities with Anti-Virus, and so far, so good. And, allow me repeat this warning again: avoid using Internet Explorer. Use FireFox or Mozilla instead.