On average you can expect to get through a good medical transcription school in about 9-12 months of consistent part-time work or 600-700 hours. The best medical transcription schools allow you to work at home at your own pace. The thing to remember is that the more time you are willing to dedicate to your studies, the sooner you will be able to start working from home and making money! After all, that is really what it is all about, isn’t it?
Our recommended Medical Transcription School
Regardless of your current situation, you should be able to get through a quality medical transcription school working a few hours a day, and as many days per week that you are able dedicate to the program. A good medical transcription school will guide you through the process systematically — step by step. With a moderate amount of effort and dedication you will quickly gain the confidence you need to complete the program. So, find the best medical transcription school you can, and launch your future career today!
Of course, finding the right medical transcription school is critically important. And with such a wide variety of options can seem a daunting task. That is why I have put together this web site — to simplify the process for you.