Friday, March 2, 2007

Transcription Jobs

Medical transcription and data entry are two popular jobs that come to mind when you consider the word telecommunication. Transcription jobs are more or less very similar to data entry type of jobs. Both require good typing skills on part of the employee, accurate typing, basic knowledge of computer and reliable Internet connection speed. Irrespective of many similarities between transcription jobs and data entry jobs still one can say that the former requires more training and good understanding of English language.

Transcription Jobs v/s Data Entry Jobs

Transcription is basically a process whereby the transcriber receives dictation by tape, digital system or voice file by doctors and other others related to the industry. The basic job description of a transcriber is to listen to the recording of the information and accordingly type it in document form for future reference. Transcription jobs require high quality training on part of the transcriber so as to ensure a steady and positive job. Medical and legal transcribers are more professional and specialized as compared to local data entry operators. Medical and legal transcriber requires appropriate and adequate training on part of the transcriber. A little bit of carelessness on part of the transcriber can lead to future flaws for the company.

The basic pay rate for a transcriber is anywhere around $0.06 to $0.12 on per line basis. The development of the Internet has seen a tremendous rise in demand for medical transcriber all over. Many employers are now seeking the services of a transcriber to get their work done more efficiently and accurately.

Home-based medical transcription is also on a rise considering the rapid growth of Internet all over the world and people find dealing online more secure than what it used to be in the past. As a result of this boost many people are now opting for freelance transcription services over the Internet.

Data entry jobs on the other hand are not as specialized and popular as compared to transcription jobs. The basic criterion of a data entry job is to be familiar with your standard keyboard skills and also with the ten numerical keys. The pay for a data entry job is far less as compared to transcription jobs. Data entry type of jobs, pay anywhere around $8 per hour to start with.

If you are seeking for a professional and a high rewarding career then Transcription jobs would be a better option as compared to data entry jobs.

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For complete help and advice on transcription, read the E-book “Home Based Transcription Guide - How to make Money Listening to Words!” created by Nathian Jackson. This E-book will give you complete details about transcription, and teach you the ways of earning money through transcription without spending a single penny. This E-Book can be found at

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